Burmese Starred Tortoise | Animal Wildlife

Burmese Starred Tortoise

burmese starred tortoise

Animal Wildlife | Burmese Starred TortoiseBurmese star tortoise (Geochelone platynota) is losing its native Myanmar (Burma). Burmese starred tortoises seem to be another piece of land turtle named Indian starred tortoise. But if you look closely, you'll see the Burmese starred tortoise's shell is thinner and flatter than the turtle Indian starred tortoise.

burmese starred tortoise

Burmese Starred Tortoise are omnivorous as they feed on plants and animals. But we're not sure what they eat in nature. Starred Burmese Tortoise beats his name. Pattern of its shell is beautifully stars. It is said that in the 20th century, the Burmese Starred Tortoise was high in number. However, shortly after being captured by food. Its horns were clear and are now in danger.

burmese starred tortoise

And the biggest problem today is they are taken as pets. In Myanmar, it is illegal to capture and export Starred Burmese tortoise. Despite this, many of Burmese Starred tortoise sold in Japan, China and Thailand. The first step is to severely punish the criminals and smugglers. - ANIMAL WILDLIFE

burmese starred tortoise

Burmese Starred Tortoise (Geochelone platynota)

burmese starred tortoise

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